Sunday, April 5, 2009

Spring Cleaning

Spring is a wonderful time for new beginnings. After a period of slower activity in the winter, the whole world seems to speed up in springtime, almost as if we, along with the plants and animals, are trying to make up for lost time.
We often need or feel like we want to "rev our engines" a little bit in order to clear out the gunk in our systems. We can't wait, when the weather warms up a bit, to get out and work in the yard, walk around or ride a bike. We all love to open the windows and air out the house and clean out all the clutter from winter to make room for "new life" and activity.
Well, it's also a great time to clear out the body of toxins that have accumulated during the winter. Whether we realize it or not, we all tend to eat "heavier" foods during the winter months to keep us warm. These "heavier" foods take longer to digest and clear out of the colon and intestines, which means they can be re-absorbed back into the body and can sensitize various tissues in the body that trigger allergies and hay fever later in the year.

Nature's Sunshine has several products to give our bodies that spring cleaning that they need. Some of the herbal formulas that clean our blood are I-X, BP-X, Enviro-Detox and Milk Thistle Combination. The Tiao He Cleanse is also great for cleaning the liver and colon, conveniently packaged in a 10 day program. This includes the All Cell Detox, which is another formula that helps the tissues detoxify while supporting organs of elimination like the kidneys, liver, colon and lymphatic's.
If you'd like to purchase any of these products you can visit our website at or if you have questions about any of the products feel free to call or email us. And if you know of anyone who might benefit from reading our blogs, please pass it on to them.
Spring is a wonderful time for new beginnings. So, now is the time to establish habits that will support your health over the coming years. Take the process one step at a time and enjoy the results from the efforts you make. It's a great time to renew yourself!

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