A Top Ten List of NSP’s Vitamins and Herbs
Ever wondered what the top selling NSP products are? Well I’m about to tell you and it’s no wonder these are the best sellers. Everything about them points to the beneficial ways they nourish the body in one way or another.
At Number 10-
Bifidophilus Flora Force
This amazing product contains four strains of beneficial microflora to help strengthen and replenish the friendly flora population in the gut, which is critical to overall health. It also helps in the production of enzymes, which enhances the assimilation of nutrients.
Number 9-
This formula keeps the joints flexible and healthy and benefits the structural system. It offers the nutritional advantages of glucosamine and chrondroitin.
Number 8-
This great product helps to soothe frayed nerves, aids in relaxation and encourages restful sleep with healthy doses of essential vitamins and supportive herbs.
Number 7-
Super Supplemental
This combines the vitamins and mineral nutrients often missing from our diets with supportive herbs to help ensure adequate nutrition.
Number 6-
Super Omega 3
There is scientific evidence supporting the claim that consuming omega-3 fatty acids could reduce one’s risk of coronary heart disease. These "good" fats support brain, cardiovascular, cell membrane and structural health.
Number 5-
Food Enzymes
This product promotes maximum digestion and may help minimize digestive discomfort. It also provides pepsin which breaks down meat and other proteins, carbohydrates and fats in an acid environment and pancreatin which breaks down the same in an alkaline environment.
Number 4-
Liquid Chlorophyll
Liquid Chlorophyll provides energy and nutrients to the body and has a natural cleansing effect on the blood, while nourishing skin cells, strengthening cell membranes and soothes the body tissues.
Number 3-
This is a two week gentle cleansing program that helps the body flush the intestinal system of toxins and waste that accumulate in our bodies, which often making us feel sluggish.
Number 2-
Thai-Go is an antioxidant beverage featuring the powerful effects of the mangosteen fruit and is the most-powerful antioxidant beverage on the market. Free radical cells damage our good cells everyday. That’s why it’s so important to get an antioxidant that’s as powerful as Thai-Go. An independent test conducted by Brunswick Laboratories certified that every bottle of Thai-Go delivers unparalleled antioxidant protection, having been found to have more than double the antioxidant content than it’s nearest competitor, Xango.
And Number 1 goes to-
Silver Shield
You’ve all heard me talk about this amazing product or you’ve read what I’ve written about it. But here it is at the top of NSP’s product list as the best seller. And it’s no wonder, this product does more for your overall health than any other natural product out there. Proven to KILL over 500 different bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi, it is the best protection for your family. Things like MRSA, (which is a methicillin resistant virus), bird flu, swine flu, strep, bronchitis, yeast infections, ear infections, gonorrhea, tonsillitis, and even viruses like malaria, pink eye, salmonella, meningitis, pneumonia, E. coli, and the list goes on and on. You can even use it as a disinfectant in your bathrooms and kitchens. It will kill ALL bacteria in less than 6 minutes and leave no harmful residue like other household poisons. It has also been found to have anti-inflammatory effects, sufficient to reduce symptoms of asthma! If you haven’t read the patent, I encourage you to. It’s long and scientific in some of its language, but easy enough to understand that this potent, non-toxic formula has numerous university and college tests to back up its claims.
Here’s the link if you want the official 40 page version, http://patft.uspto.gov/netacgi/nph-Parser?Sect1=PTO1&Sect2=HITOFF&d=PALL&p=1&u=%2Fnetahtml%2FPTO%2Fsrchnum.htm&r=1&f=G&l=50&s1=7135195.PN.&OS=PN/7135195&RS=PN/7135195
If you’d like a condensed 5 page version that I put together, just email me and I’ll send you a copy.
We have numerous clients who have told us how this product has worked for them, like, cleared up ear infections that antibiotics couldn’t, strep throat infection gone in less than a day with no antibiotics taken, grossly infected leg wound closed up and gone in a few days, pink eye relieved in a day, sunburned skin healed after a few applications, and a client just told us of how they were told by their veterinarian that there was nothing more he could do for their dog, who has a tumor. They decided to give their dog the NSP Silver Shield and report that the dog seems more alive and energetic.
Remember, Silver Shield is NON-TOXIC to humans and animals and there is no age limit or requirement for ingestion or topical use.
Here's a quick list of the 20 other top sellers for NSP. Starting at number 11, Candida Clear, Super Trio, Mega-Chel, Proactazyme, Probiotic Eleven, Tiao He Cleanse, LBS II, Nature's Noni, Calcium-Magnesium, Silver Shield Gel, Co-Q10, Skeletal Strength, B-Complex Capsules, Men's Formula, Adrenal Support, Cascara Sagrada, ALJ, Ultimate Green Zone, Psyllium Hulls Combo and Colloidal Minerals.
If you have questions about any of the products we've talked about or any others NSP sells, please contact us.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Want To Make Some Easy Extra Money???
Hi Friends,
I’ve got an interesting topic for all of you today and it involves you doing very little but making easy money in the process. How, of course, is the question you’re asking.
It’s a business partnership venture I’m calling, A Natural Fit, and it’s a concept I’ve put together based on another NSP program called Business in a Box.
All businesses work together to buy, sell, trade, execute or inform other businesses. By working together, each business can offer their clients additional services and comforts they might not otherwise perform.
Here’s a simple example; while you’re waiting in the dentist’s office, you pick up a magazine to read. That magazine comes from a business selling subscriptions to the dentist for the pleasure of the dentist’s clients while they wait. One business providing a service to another that wouldn’t normally be in that business. The dentist doesn’t write and print his own magazines. He buys them from another company that provides that service.
Another example would be when you go to the salon to get your hair styled, the shampoo the stylist uses, comes from a business that sells the product to the stylist to use on your hair. The stylist doesn’t make the shampoo herself. That other business sells the shampoo, providing a service, to the stylist.
This is the basic business concept behind A Natural Fit, but it’s even easier.
All of us know healthcare providers and personal care providers. We’ve used them throughout our lives or perhaps they’re friends, family or neighbors. The question is going to be, are they friendly to “natural products?” Most are, perhaps without even really knowing it. For example, does your doctor suggest you take a daily vitamin, or does your personal trainer suggest dietary products to help you lose weight or build muscle, or does your manicurist suggest you should take something to strengthen your nails, or does your dentist suggest that your kids should get less sugar. These are just a few of the ways that healthcare providers and the personal care providers use “natural” products or more natural ideas.
The providers we just talked about are giving advice on products but are not making any money on their advice. Their clients are buying products at the local drug, department or grocery store. Did you know that about 70% of Americans buy some form of “natural” product for their health? If these providers sold Nature’s Sunshine products to their clients directly they could make the difference between retail and member pricing, which is significant, about 33%. But who wants to deal with having an inventory? Here’s a better way. The providers can make lots of easy money by having those same clients purchasing products they’re recommending, directly from NSP. The providers do nothing but set their clients up to buy products online when they need them.
Here’s where you and I come in. You have the contacts, the healthcare and personal care providers, people that you know already, either by personal contact or through friends and family. I have the knowledge of the products and the product line that the providers would be recommending. A Natural Fit network with a wealth of free information.
The best part is, you DON’T have to know the products and DO NOT have to do any selling, you are simply introducing me to the providers you already know. When they decide it’s in their best interest to be a part of A Natural Fit, we register them directly under you. Every time they or any of their clients buys a product through NSP, you make a commission on it.
Let’s assume for a moment that we’ve signed up a doctor you know, and he has 100 clients. Of those, he has 25 of them who are purchasing Super Trio vitamins. Every month his 25 clients, without him doing anything, are ordering a combined $1250 worth of product via the internet. Not only will he make a 27% commission on their purchases, that’s $337.50 in his pocket, but you’ll make 12% commission, $150, in your pocket. And this happens every month. And all you did was introduce him or her to me and let me tell them about the great Nature’s Sunshine products and about A Natural Fit idea.
Now imagine your dentist doing the same thing with our sugar free products, your personal trainer with our weight loss products, your chiropractor with our skeletal and joint strengthening products, and so on. You get the picture right? You are making money off them all and all you did was introduce them to me.
In addition to that, I will offer them personalized service as well. I’ll help in choosing the right products for the services they provide, direct contact through phone and email, on-site counseling and education of NSP products if requested, staff training for client online purchases, and talking directly with clients with individualized health concern questions.
And here's something else to think about. The vitamins and herbs that you're purchasing for yourself will cost you nothing because you're getting money back each month from what you're earning on everyone else.
We form A Natural Fit between you, me, the providers, the clients and NSP.
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. First, during casual conversation ask your providers if they recommend natural products to any of their clients and what they might be. Then ask them if I could give them a call to talk to them about A Natural Fit.
Here’s a list of some of the healthcare providers or personal care providers that could benefit from a relationship with us. Write down the names of the people you know next to the descriptions. Next time you see them, talk to them about A Natural Fit. Then call me.
Healthcare Providers:
Nurse Practitioners
Physician’s Assistants
Physical Therapists
Personal Care Providers:
Massage Therapists
Fitness Professionals
Health or Life Coaches
Aestheticians in Salon
Hair Stylists
Personal Trainers
Health Food Store Owner
I’ve got an interesting topic for all of you today and it involves you doing very little but making easy money in the process. How, of course, is the question you’re asking.
It’s a business partnership venture I’m calling, A Natural Fit, and it’s a concept I’ve put together based on another NSP program called Business in a Box.
All businesses work together to buy, sell, trade, execute or inform other businesses. By working together, each business can offer their clients additional services and comforts they might not otherwise perform.
Here’s a simple example; while you’re waiting in the dentist’s office, you pick up a magazine to read. That magazine comes from a business selling subscriptions to the dentist for the pleasure of the dentist’s clients while they wait. One business providing a service to another that wouldn’t normally be in that business. The dentist doesn’t write and print his own magazines. He buys them from another company that provides that service.
Another example would be when you go to the salon to get your hair styled, the shampoo the stylist uses, comes from a business that sells the product to the stylist to use on your hair. The stylist doesn’t make the shampoo herself. That other business sells the shampoo, providing a service, to the stylist.
This is the basic business concept behind A Natural Fit, but it’s even easier.
All of us know healthcare providers and personal care providers. We’ve used them throughout our lives or perhaps they’re friends, family or neighbors. The question is going to be, are they friendly to “natural products?” Most are, perhaps without even really knowing it. For example, does your doctor suggest you take a daily vitamin, or does your personal trainer suggest dietary products to help you lose weight or build muscle, or does your manicurist suggest you should take something to strengthen your nails, or does your dentist suggest that your kids should get less sugar. These are just a few of the ways that healthcare providers and the personal care providers use “natural” products or more natural ideas.
The providers we just talked about are giving advice on products but are not making any money on their advice. Their clients are buying products at the local drug, department or grocery store. Did you know that about 70% of Americans buy some form of “natural” product for their health? If these providers sold Nature’s Sunshine products to their clients directly they could make the difference between retail and member pricing, which is significant, about 33%. But who wants to deal with having an inventory? Here’s a better way. The providers can make lots of easy money by having those same clients purchasing products they’re recommending, directly from NSP. The providers do nothing but set their clients up to buy products online when they need them.
Here’s where you and I come in. You have the contacts, the healthcare and personal care providers, people that you know already, either by personal contact or through friends and family. I have the knowledge of the products and the product line that the providers would be recommending. A Natural Fit network with a wealth of free information.
The best part is, you DON’T have to know the products and DO NOT have to do any selling, you are simply introducing me to the providers you already know. When they decide it’s in their best interest to be a part of A Natural Fit, we register them directly under you. Every time they or any of their clients buys a product through NSP, you make a commission on it.
Let’s assume for a moment that we’ve signed up a doctor you know, and he has 100 clients. Of those, he has 25 of them who are purchasing Super Trio vitamins. Every month his 25 clients, without him doing anything, are ordering a combined $1250 worth of product via the internet. Not only will he make a 27% commission on their purchases, that’s $337.50 in his pocket, but you’ll make 12% commission, $150, in your pocket. And this happens every month. And all you did was introduce him or her to me and let me tell them about the great Nature’s Sunshine products and about A Natural Fit idea.
Now imagine your dentist doing the same thing with our sugar free products, your personal trainer with our weight loss products, your chiropractor with our skeletal and joint strengthening products, and so on. You get the picture right? You are making money off them all and all you did was introduce them to me.
In addition to that, I will offer them personalized service as well. I’ll help in choosing the right products for the services they provide, direct contact through phone and email, on-site counseling and education of NSP products if requested, staff training for client online purchases, and talking directly with clients with individualized health concern questions.
And here's something else to think about. The vitamins and herbs that you're purchasing for yourself will cost you nothing because you're getting money back each month from what you're earning on everyone else.
We form A Natural Fit between you, me, the providers, the clients and NSP.
You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain. First, during casual conversation ask your providers if they recommend natural products to any of their clients and what they might be. Then ask them if I could give them a call to talk to them about A Natural Fit.
Here’s a list of some of the healthcare providers or personal care providers that could benefit from a relationship with us. Write down the names of the people you know next to the descriptions. Next time you see them, talk to them about A Natural Fit. Then call me.
Healthcare Providers:
Nurse Practitioners
Physician’s Assistants
Physical Therapists
Personal Care Providers:
Massage Therapists
Fitness Professionals
Health or Life Coaches
Aestheticians in Salon
Hair Stylists
Personal Trainers
Health Food Store Owner
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Mangosteen Miracle
What is that?
Mangosteen is a tropical fruit known as the "queen of fruits" by the countries in Southeast Asia who enjoy it. And many around the world who have eaten it say it's the world's most delicious fruit.
However , the fruit is treasured for more that just an after dinner dessert, Mangosteen has medicinal properties that far outweigh the benefits of taste. The healing powers of the fruit have been known for years, particularily in Thailand. The compounds in Mangosteen, known as xanthones, have powerful antioxodants properties and the fruit is featured in recent literature claiming it has anti-cancer effects, prevention of high cholesterol, antibacterial effects against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including tuberculosis, antifungal activites and inhibitors of HIV-1.
In addition, the polysaccharides of the mangosteen fruit stimulate the cells and kill intracellular bacteria.
It makes you want to run out and buy some, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, this fruit is not sold in the U.S.
So, where can you get it?
It can be enjoyed in NSP's Thai-Go Juice, where it's combined with 10 other powerful antioxidant fighting fruits. Antioxidants prevent cellular damage from free radical cells in your body that cause aging and diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
Ok, it's not cheap, I'll be honest. It costs about $50 for 2 bottles of 25 ounces each. That's $1.00 per shot. But like I told a friend, you find it so easy to spend $5 or $6 on a shot of Tequila or $50 on a night on the town for a bar bill or on a few bottles of wine, but for the things that will help you be healthier and live longer and protect your body from diseases, you can't imagine spending $50.
If you combine the Thai-Go juice with Super Trio vitamins, for about $100 a month you can create an environment in your body that will enhance your health and make it difficult for bacteria and viruses to thrive. Isn't that worth something to yourself?
I read an interesting article by Steven Horne in his "Dr. Mom-Dr. Dad" book. He describes taking care of our bodies like this-
"To understand the basis for pain and disease we need to take care of ourselves at a cellular level. Cells are the basis of all living things, both plant and animal, and our life depends on keeping those cells healthy and happy.
Think or yourself as in command of a vast empire consisting of literally trillions of cellular citizens. That empire is your body and you are the ruler.
If you are a good ruler, your cellular citizens are going to be happy and you will experience pleasure in the form of good health. If you aren't a good ruler and your decisions cause injury to vast numbers of your subjects, those cells are going to complain and you will begin to experience pain and discomfort, like in the form of inflammation, which is the beginning of most major afflictions of the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you'll have to make certain those needs of your cellular citizens are satisfied. "
So, in conclusion, protecting our bodies from free radical damage, at the cellular level, is the first necessary step in keeping the body healthy.
You can purchase the Thai-Go juice and Super Trio through our website at www.mynsp.com/hometownherbs or if you have any questions about your health concerns, contact us at hometownherbs@gmail.com or call Renae at 480-720-7735
What is that?

However , the fruit is treasured for more that just an after dinner dessert, Mangosteen has medicinal properties that far outweigh the benefits of taste. The healing powers of the fruit have been known for years, particularily in Thailand. The compounds in Mangosteen, known as xanthones, have powerful antioxodants properties and the fruit is featured in recent literature claiming it has anti-cancer effects, prevention of high cholesterol, antibacterial effects against antibiotic-resistant bacteria, including tuberculosis, antifungal activites and inhibitors of HIV-1.
In addition, the polysaccharides of the mangosteen fruit stimulate the cells and kill intracellular bacteria.
It makes you want to run out and buy some, doesn't it?
Unfortunately, this fruit is not sold in the U.S.
So, where can you get it?
It can be enjoyed in NSP's Thai-Go Juice, where it's combined with 10 other powerful antioxidant fighting fruits. Antioxidants prevent cellular damage from free radical cells in your body that cause aging and diseases such as cancer, heart disease and arthritis.
Ok, it's not cheap, I'll be honest. It costs about $50 for 2 bottles of 25 ounces each. That's $1.00 per shot. But like I told a friend, you find it so easy to spend $5 or $6 on a shot of Tequila or $50 on a night on the town for a bar bill or on a few bottles of wine, but for the things that will help you be healthier and live longer and protect your body from diseases, you can't imagine spending $50.
If you combine the Thai-Go juice with Super Trio vitamins, for about $100 a month you can create an environment in your body that will enhance your health and make it difficult for bacteria and viruses to thrive. Isn't that worth something to yourself?
I read an interesting article by Steven Horne in his "Dr. Mom-Dr. Dad" book. He describes taking care of our bodies like this-
"To understand the basis for pain and disease we need to take care of ourselves at a cellular level. Cells are the basis of all living things, both plant and animal, and our life depends on keeping those cells healthy and happy.
Think or yourself as in command of a vast empire consisting of literally trillions of cellular citizens. That empire is your body and you are the ruler.
If you are a good ruler, your cellular citizens are going to be happy and you will experience pleasure in the form of good health. If you aren't a good ruler and your decisions cause injury to vast numbers of your subjects, those cells are going to complain and you will begin to experience pain and discomfort, like in the form of inflammation, which is the beginning of most major afflictions of the body. So, if you want to be healthy, you'll have to make certain those needs of your cellular citizens are satisfied. "
So, in conclusion, protecting our bodies from free radical damage, at the cellular level, is the first necessary step in keeping the body healthy.
You can purchase the Thai-Go juice and Super Trio through our website at www.mynsp.com/hometownherbs or if you have any questions about your health concerns, contact us at hometownherbs@gmail.com or call Renae at 480-720-7735
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