Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Daily Positive Actions

Recently I came across some really great advice on having daily positive actions. Being positive in our lives, daily, especially in these hard economic times, is challenging. Negativity, along with the stresses we face, creates an unhealthy environment for our bodies. So, being positive and focused is important to our overall mental and physical health.

Here are some of the daily positive actions steps to consider;

- Count your blessings and be grateful

- Monitor what you hear, what you read and what you say

- Set aside personal time to reflect or meditate

- Set aside time to be with loved ones or friends

- Help someone less fortunate

- Feed your spirit

- Reflect on your victories

- Watch your words, be life affirming

- Create an upbeat, positive greeting that builds enthusiasm to everyone around you

- Develop a clear vision, a passion or a goal with completion dates

- Exercise, eat healthier and get the proper nutrition your body needs

The last one is so important because without exercise we become stale and lazy, we don't think as clearly. Without good healthy foods are bodies become burdened and stressed trying to expel the garbage we put into it. And lastly, proper nutrition, by taking the herbs and vitamins our bodies need and don't get from the foods we eat.

There are three main supplements we have in our home and they'll give you the bulk of what your daily requirements are and also give you some preventative actions to keep your bodies healthy.

My first recommendation would be Super Trio. It comes with three supplements in each daily packet. The three are, Super ORAC, which helps neutralize oxidation and the destructive effects of free radicals in our cells, Super Omega 3 EPA, which is an essential fatty acid, and Super Supplemental, which is the vitamins and minerals that are foods are lacking.

The second recommendation would be Thai Go Juice. This one ounce daily supplement is a powerful juice blend that can optimize your health. It has the antioxidant power of 11 friuts, which protects our bodies from the free radical damage we sustain from improper eating and stress, and shields the body against the forces that age us. And I'll add, it has a great flavor too!

And my last recommendation would be Silver Shield. This amazing patented product has been found and documented to kill over 500 different disease causing pathogens, like MRSA, SARS, Malaria, Anthrax, and viruses like hepititus C, Aids and Influenza. It's non-toxic to humans and animals and is more effective on bacteria and viruses than antibiotics and other drugs. It won't harm your good bacteria either the way antibiotics do. By taking a teaspoon of Silver Shield daily, you help support your body in its fight against everything you come in contact with on a daily basis. It is preventative protection that lets your organs and your whole body work on the other important functions instead of disease fighting.

These three products, at the very least, should be in every home. Of course there are more specific herbs for other specific needs, but these three will help put you on the road to better health and maybe even a more positive outlook on life.

To order any of these NSP products, please visit our website at

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Health Crisis Hits Home

In the March 16th issue of Time magazine, I read a story titled, "The Health Care Crisis Hits Home" and it made me wonder why we as Americans put up with a government and a system that doesn't work.
Politics aside, the article talked about how we can think we're paying for health insurance but when we submit the claims, the insurance companies deny the coverage. So it made me wonder, why do we sink so much money into insurance only to find we're not covered anyway? We all need catastrophic insurance for those unexpected times we find ourselves in the emergency room. But why do we have coverage for the basics like doctor visits and prescriptions when neither of them work for our benefit and in the case of prescription drugs, harm us more than they help. Remember, prescription drugs deal with the symptoms not the causes. So we are never cured or healed, that's why you generally have to take them forever. Herbs on the other hand work on the causes, the root problems. Once those root problems are gone, you don't need the herbs anymore.
Listen to what the article says, quoting, "Our system pays doctors to diagnose, test and treat - not necessarily keep people healthy. It's why chronic diseases like diabetes absorb 80% of our health care dollars. Pay for holistic success." Exactly I say. Why pour money into basic insurance that won't cure you when for less money you can take herbs and get well?
I leave you with a quote from an ad about the allergy drug Singulair on the back of the Time magazine. Under important safety information, it says, quoting, "Side effects are generally mild and vary by age, and may include headache, ear infection, sore throat, and upper respiratory infection. Side effects generally did not stop patients from taking Singulair."
Why on earth would you risk any of that and would you continue to take it, as it suggests, even if you had those side effects?
If you suffer from allergies, here are some products from Nature's Sunshine that can help you. We call this our allergy blocker formula, it includes, ALJ, Histablock, Trace Minerals Maintenance, Allergy Homeopathic and EW. It will cost you about $70 for these but they will last you a couple of months if taken as advised.
If you'd like more information on any of these or on any Nature's Sunshine Product, call us at 480-720-7735 or email us at
We are here to help you.