Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Do You Have A Sweet Tooth?

Ever stop to consider how much sugar you consume? Many of us will end up consuming over 180 pounds of sugar each year (that’s over 13,000 pounds of sugar in a lifetime.) Our bodies pay the price for this level of consumption. Health experts agree that over-use of sugar is at least partly responsible for a myriad of diseases such as obesity, tooth decay, ADHD, hyperactivity and diabetes. Many people have decided to use artificial sweeteners instead, but these man-made chemicals seem to cause more health problems than they prevent. But we can have our proverbial cake and eat it too. Scientists have found a sweetener that is made from natural ingredients and tastes like sugar yet is low-calorie and does not cause cavities, it’s called xylitol.

What is Xylitol?

Xylitol is a naturally sweet compound that looks and tastes just like sugar. Our bodies already digest the xylitol found in fruits, vegetables and other organic substances. About 15 grams of xylitol is actually produced by our own bodies as part of normal metabolism every day. Nature’s Sweet Life xylitol is derived from non-genetically modified corn, making it a completely natural sugar substitute. Xylitol has a safe track record; it has been used for over 40 years around the world and is approved in the U.S. for use in unlimited quantities in food. Nature’s Sweet Life xylitol is gluten-free and without any corn residue. Not only does xylitol offer great taste, but it contains 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates than regular table sugar. It also has none of the side effects or bad aftertaste of artificial sweeteners.

Nature's Sunshine offers several products that use xylitol like chocolate bars. And few foods inspire passion in people as well as chocolate. Chocolate is not just a snack, it’s an indulgence. Used by the natives of ancient Mesoamerica, chocolate has been recognized for centuries for its ability to give energy, restore vitality and stimulate the pleasure centers in the brain. Nature’s Sweet Life dark chocolate is infused with the essence of raspberry and other natural flavors to create a delicious treat you will savor each time you sample. Since it is sweetened with low-calorie, low-carb xylitol, you won’t feel guilty about indulging in the pleasure of high-quality, sugar-free chocolate every day.

Nature’s Sweet Life mints are an excellent way to promote good oral health throughout the day and a sweet experience that won’t weigh on your conscience. Like our other xylitol products, it stops the destructive effects of bacteria by not allowing plaque-forming micro-organisms to adhere to the surface of your teeth. Nature’s Sweet Life mints are sugar-free, safe for diabetics and non-carcinogenic. Our mints help freshen your breath while helping fight cavities. Nature’s Sweet Life mints come in two enjoyable flavors, Lemon and Peppermint.

Chewing Nature’s Sweet Life xylitol-sweetened gum actually promotes good oral health. Enjoy the refreshing taste of two flavors—Cinnamon and Spearmint as you chew your way to a brighter, healthier smile. Nature’s Sweet Life gum freshens breath while helping keep your teeth and gums healthy. Chewing Nature’s Sweet Life gum after meals helps reduce cavities in two ways. First, it stimulates the production of saliva, which washes away and neutralizes damaging acid produced by bacteria in the mouth. Second, because it is sweetened with xylitol, it helps curb the growth of bacteria. The result is a cleaner mouth and fantastic breath. Our xylitol-sweetened gum is the perfect aid for children who just won’t brush enough, or for adults who can’t find the time to brush between meals. Enjoy after meals, as a snack, or anytime.

Do you want a brighter, healthy-looking smile? When you use Nature’s Sweet Life’s unique’’’xylitol-enhanced mouthwash, you say goodbye to cavity-causing plaque and hello to a new, radiant smile. Tooth decay and gum disease are serious health problems in our society. According to the American Dental Association, 75% of American Adults over the age of 35 suffer from some form of periodontal disease. Nature’s Sweet Life xylitol-enhanced products supplement dental health and fight periodontal disease by creating an unwelcome environment for bacteria in the mouth. Bacteria have difficulty sticking to teeth when xylitol is present—as a result, there is less plaque build-up and cleaner, healthier teeth. Our mouthwash contains the highest concentrations of xylitol possible in order to provide increased effectiveness and the maximum dental benefit. All Nature’s Sweet Life products are sugar and fluoride-free without artificial ingredients. We’re confidant that once you try our mouthwash, you’ll never settle for store bought brands again.

Did you know that the average person takes approximately 21,600 breaths each day? Each of these breaths brings with it bacteria, pollution and allergens from the environment. Research shows that more than 90% of infection-causing bacteria enters the body through the nose. Some of these bacteria thrive in the nasal passages. When used as a mist, xylitol has been shown to decrease bacteria’s ability to adhere to cell walls of nasal passages. Nature Sweet Life’s Nasal Mist also helps make nasal passages and sinuses feel clean, moist and more comfortable throughout the day. Nature’s Sweet Life’s Nasal Mist contains all natural ingredients, including grapefruit seed extract and 100% pure xylitol.

Life is sweet—and Nature’s Sweet Life Products make it even sweeter by giving you healthy, delicious alternatives that you can use every day. Because xylitol is a natural substance found in the foods we already eat, it is perfectly safe for human consumption and has been given the FDA’s safest rating as a food additive.

Nature’s Sweet Life Xylitol:
• Tastes just like sugar, with no artificial aftertaste
• Provides 0 grams of net-carbs per serving
• Supplies 40% fewer calories and 75% fewer carbohydrates than sugar
• Is safe for diabetics, hypoglycemics, children, and pregnant women
• Prevents cavity-causing bacteria from adhering to teeth
• Has a low glycemic index of 7
• Is 100% natural

Give them all a try, you won't be disappointed. You can find all of these xylitol products and more on our website at www.mynsp.com/hometownherbs

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Super Nutrition Done Super Easy

Good health comes through nutrition; it’s what you put in your body that counts. With our fast-paced world, nutritionally lacking snacks and meals on the go—if we even get meals—obtaining adequate nutrition is not an easy task. But now, with Super Trio, you can take good nutrition with you—in your purse, in your pocket, in the palm of your hand—wherever you go. Super Trio makes proper nutrition simple and convenient.

Super Trio is a 30-day, convenient daily packet program that helps you maintain your body’s health with vital nutrition and supplements. According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, most diets today are lacking in essential vitamins and minerals; thus, doctors recommend taking a daily multivitamin. The Super Supplemental’s well-balanced formula provides 100 percent or more of 12 essential vitamins, plus significant amounts of 13 important minerals. In addition, it offers two important carotenoid antioxidants—lutein, which supports healthy eyes, heart and skin, and lycopene, which helps maintain the health of the liver, lungs, prostate, colon and skin. It also provides extra amounts of essential B-vitamins that are easily depleted through stress and other bodily functions.

Super Trio also contains NSP's brand-new, exclusive Super ORAC Antioxidant formula, an exclusive formulation found only in Super Trio that is packed with potent free radical quenching antioxidants and Super Omega-3 EPA, to satisfy your body’s vital need for essential fatty acids. And for your convenience, they're packaged in cello-packets and sealed in an attractive box.

Everyone needs vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and antioxidants for daily health. These nutrients provide wonderful benefits for the heart and circulatory system, the brain, the skin and bones, for your whole body!

Monday, March 3, 2008

New Silver Protects The Body From Diseases

Ok we've all seen or heard about the blue man on the Oprah show, who says he took high doses of a silver solution he made himself at home. The silver did heal him but in the process he turned blue. Some of the articles I've read about him say that his homemade solution was in the 3000 parts per million category.

Well here's the scoop on Nature Sunshine's Silver Shield product. It is a patented technology using nano sized particles to neutralize pathogens. At 18 parts per million, this Silver Shield has far more benefits with less concentrations and is absolutely safe.

Check out these statistics;
  • Kills 99% of most bacteria, yeasts, and molds within ten minutes
  • Continues to kill pathogens with catalytic, not chemical action
  • Can be used internally as well as topically
  • Is non-toxic and safe at recommended levels

Here 's the lowdown on how it works. Stay with me cause it gets kind of technical. First of all, the silver is supercharged, requiring 10,000 electro volts to manufacture it for its unique chemical structure. And using nano technology, it is small enough to enter a single red blood cell. Each silver particle is surrounded by a chemical shell that is missing two electrons, which is called ionic because it carries a charge. The small silver particles hunt around in our bodies for pathogens so they can attach themselves to them and their thin cell walls to rip out one or two of the electrons that the silver is wanting. By rupturing the cell membranes to get to the electrons of the pathogen, the pathogen dies. Our normal cells have thicker, more protected membranes and a more balanced charge resulting in protection against the silver. Good cells and silver also have a sugary coating around them, which lets them communicate as "friendly" cells.

There is more. Each silver particle resonates or vibrates at a frequency that disrupts and kills viruses, bacteria and yeast. It has been measured at between 890 and 910 terahertz. This vibration is the perfect frequency to be destructive to pathogen cells. And also, since each pathogen's DNA carries a slight magnetic charge, the supercharged metallic silver acts like a magnet, attracting the pathogen into its grip and tangling its DNA into a chaotic mess, which keeps it from being able to reproduce.

Did you get all of that...

Here's some other information for you. Liquid silver is odorless, colorless and relatively tasteless. I put a teaspoon directly into my mouth and it tastes like water. But you can put it in juices also. It usually only takes 2-6 minutes for the silver to destroy 99% of bacteria, viruses, molds and other pathogens it contacts. You can take it everyday, which provides you with an internal "disinfectant."

Here's some of its other uses;

  • As mentioned, as a drink, it circulates the body, selectively incapacitating harmful bacteria and viruses. And because it's inorganic, by the second day, 99% will be eliminated from the body.
  • For sore throats, spray it in your throat or gargle with it.
  • For ear infections, applying drops inside the ear once or twice a day.
  • For sinus infections, spray it into the nose a few times daily.
  • As a mouthwash.
  • For foot and toe fungus, eye infections, skin acne or rashes.
  • For wounds, as it acts like an antimicrobial agent.

Personally, I don't know why more of us aren't taking Silver Shield. It is better than antibiotics because it doesn't harm the good cells and doesn't create yeast infestations in our bodies like antibiotics do. My wife and I both work in an office together and everyone around us is getting the flu, some so serious they've gone to the hospital. We remain unaffected and healthy.

If you'd like to buy Nature Sunshine's Silver Shield, visit our website at www. mynsp.com/hometownherbs